mohsin salya core strength

How Important is Your Core to Running?

Hi there and welcome back to the Mohsin Salya blog.

There’s a few things you can do to build up the ideal body for running. It may surprise you to learn that one thing that is really effective is developing your core, which isn’t necessarily something you’d think would benefit runners. In this post I’ll be discussing how important your core is to your training.

Boosting performance

Be aware that the strength in your limbs, which are crucial to running, is connected to your core, which sits in your abdomen. So your core is important to running because if it’s robust, the rest of your body has a solid foundation, allowing you to get more out of running. So what does this do for you?

The main benefit that a strong core will give you, in terms of running, is that it will increase the stabilisation of your torso. The muscles in your core are what keeps your torso upright, so when they’re strong, you’ll wobble less when moving your arms and legs. With improved balance, you can recover from any missteps you make while running much quicker.

Stronger, faster, more resilient

There are also other incredible benefits of working on your core. A strong core helps your pelvis, hips and lower back work in tandem, reducing any rocking motions you may make, so you can expend less energy as you run. Developing your core strength can also help you recover from common running injuries, specifically plantar fasciitis, as it gives your feet the ability to deal with the small tears caused by this condition.

It may interest you to know that a strong core can also make you a faster runner. This is because the muscles that compose your core, namely your abs, obliques and gluts, can make your upper body more robust, which when it’s strong gives you the chance to boost your running economy so you can go faster. Working on your core is especially crucial if you’re a distance runner, as a steady core can help you keep your form on point when you reach the end of long races and extreme fatigue kicks in.

Strength training

If you want to develop the kind of core you can use to get everything you can out of running, you’ll need to strength train so that you can build up your abs, obliques and gluts. There’s two strength training exercises you may want to try, the most effective of which is planks. This exercise targets every part of your core and is really simple to do. Simply lie on your stomach, arrange your body into a straight line, prop your elbows up, with your feet slightly apart and hold for 30 seconds before releasing.

Another good strength training exercise for core development is the air squat, which is also an effective way of building up strength in your entire body. For this you should stand with your feet at hip distance, and stretch your arms out away from your body. Then squat down, after which you should lean forward and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. After, press up through your heels to return to your starting position and that’s one air squat done and dusted!

Get the runner’s body

As a runner, you may want to think of your body in the same way that a master violinist would think of their instrument. It’s crucial that you take care of it and constantly fine tune it, so you can get the ideal runner’s body.  Developing your core can help you build the kind of body needed to run with the best of them, but there’s so much more involved, from following a good diet to dealing with running-related conditions such as chaffing. With tender love and care you’ll have a runner’s body in no time!

Until the next time,

Mohsin Salya